For JTAG BOUNDARY SCAN operation I used special adapter (JTAG LIVE ADAPTER) and special software called «JTAG LIVE STUDIO».

Using pinouts are TRST, TDO, TDI, TMS, TCK and GROUND.
I connect microcontroller (APM32f407) to JTAG according to the scheme below:

Firstly, I must provide «Infrastructure test». This test was passed correctly:

Then I start up another test which detects logical state of any pin of microcontroller (high or low).
(The information received by software with TDO output pin from microcontroller.)
Also, I connect one pin of microcontroller to 3.3 Volts (51 pin) and there is a connection on the PCB between 51 and 42 pins.
(picture below)

Unfortunately, software does not detect high level of this pin (51) and connected pins (51-42), because it could not get correct information by TDO pin from APM32F407, as I see.
Another situation when I used STM32F407 microcontroller. Software detects logical state of this pin and connected pins correctly.

So, the questions are:
What is wrong with my operations? May be I used another bsdl-file for APM32F407? Does APM32F407 microcontroller support boundary scan architecture?
Thank you!